Resultados: 22

Dificuldades de enfermeiros no trabalho com usuários de álcool e outras drogas: revisão integrativa

Objetivo: analisar as evidências científicas sobre as dificuldades de enfermeiros no trabalho com usuários de álcool e outras drogas. Método: revisão integrativa, realizada a partir da seguinte questão << Quais as dificuldades encontradas por enfermeiros no trabalho com usuários de álcool e outr...

Acidentes de trânsito e sua relação com o consumo de álcool: revisão integrativa

Rev. enferm. UFPE on line; 9 (supl.5), 2015
Objetivo: analisar as produções científicas publicadas entre 2006 e 2012 sobre a relação entre o consumo de álcool e acidentes de trânsito. Metodologia: revisão integrativa da literatura realizada na Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), na Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MedLine)...

Content validation for the brazilian version of the Nurses Global Assessment Risk of Suicide index

ABSTRACT Objective: to perform the content validation of the Nurses Global Assessment of Suicide Risk index for the Brazilian population served in primary care. Method: a methodological study of cultural adaptation and content evaluation of the NGASR index, original scale from the United Kingdom, car...

Intervenções para prevenção do comportamento suicida em universitários: revisão integrativa

Objective:To analyze the literature on interventions to prevent suicidal behavior in university students. Method: integrative review conducted in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Web of Science, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Syst...

Suicide in the elderly: approach to social determinants of health in the Dahlgren and Whitehead model

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.3), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: Identify in literature the social determinants of health related to suicide in the elderly, according to the model proposed by Dahlgren and Whitehead. Method: Integrative review of articles indexed in the databases BDENF, CINAHL, LILACS, and MEDLINE, with the following main descrip...

Rastreio do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas em gestantes

REME rev. min. enferm; 24 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo: rastrear o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas em gestantes atendidas na atenção primária do Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudo transversal com 75 gestantes atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde de cinco municípios piauienses. Aplicaram-se questionários sobre características socioecon...

Alcohol and other drug use, and mental distress in the women's universe

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (1), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the relationship between alcohol and other drug use, and mental distress among women. Method: an analytical cross-sectional study conducted with 369 women in Piauí State. Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Non-Student Drugs Use Questionnaire and Self-Reporting Qu...

Consumption of alcohol and tobacco by women and the occurrence of violence by intimate partner

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the consumption of alcohol and tobacco by women and the occurrence of intimate partner violence against women. Method: a cross-sectional and analytical study with 369 women in the age group of 20 to 59 years, attended in Basic Health Units of five municipalities of Piaui,...

Domains of common mental disorders in women reporting intimate partner violence

Objective to verify associations between the types of intimate partner violence and the domains of common mental disorders in women. Method cross-sectional study with 369 women. The information was obtained through the instruments Self-Reporting Questionnaire and Conflict Tactic Scales. To analyze the...

Prevalence of anxiety disorders as a cause of workers' absence

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the prevalence of various anxiety disorders among mental and behavioral disorders as a cause for the leave of absence of workers in the state of Piauí. Method: transversal census-based study performed with data from the National Social Security Institute. Four-hundred tw...